
Ora is also a testbed for a number of experiments, related to temporal programming, API design, and Python extension.

  1. Tick-based integer time representations, with heavy use of C++ templates and inlining, for very high performance.
  2. An API designed around physical times rather than date-time representations, with support for dates as a distinct concept.
  3. Support for time and date types with multiple widths and precisions.
  4. Techniques for wrapping C++ template types as Python types. Interoperability is challenging, as C++ templates do not provide virtual dispatch.
  5. Batteries-included, zero dependency C++ and Python libraries, including current time zone data.
  6. Support for distinct “invalid” and “missing” values. A C++ API that provides function variants that either raise an exception or return an invalid value on error.
  7. Full support for both scalar and vector (NumPy) operations. [experimental]
  8. Rich calendar support. [planned]

Ora does not meet all these goals! But it is fun to try.